Become a member
We are delighted that you are considering joining Haslmere Art Society. By joining, you agree to receive emails and newsletters from Haslemere Art Society. You can unsubscribe at any time. All data is stored securely in line with GDPR. Add your Instagram and Facebook account names - another way to keep up with our news.
Renewals are in January for any member joining before the Annual Exhibition. Most of the HAS events are before the Autumn exhibition, and your membership will also allow you to exhibit as a member at a very reasonable rate. Any members who join after the exhibition will receive a couple of months on top of their year long membership and will be emailed to notify them of this at renewals
We cannot manage renewals in any other way due to the workload on volunteer committee members.
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edition of your browser - if you experience any problems please try Google Chrome as your browser ​​or complete the form from a laptop/desk-top computer or phone.